DeLana’s Story
DeLana was happy, sassy, and would brighten up a room with her presence. Born with a mitochondrial disorder that was diagnosed by the time she was 2 years old, she was known for her contagious laughter and giggles that were irresistible. DeLana lived for 6 years and during that time her life intersected with many therapists and caregivers who loved her. While her life was not easy or typical, she was a gift and had great impact on her family and those she encountered.
When asked what she wants others to remember about DeLana, her moms says, “Her smile. Everyone always mentions her smile. And they also mention my smile. So, I will carry on that smile for DeLana until I am with her again.” She hopes that everyone sees God’s hope and love through her as they did with DeLana. In the meantime, she looks for DeLanabows – double rainbows that remind her of God’s promises and the love she has for her daughter.