Kennedy’s Story
Kennedy was a happy, strong-willed, and feisty toddler. She was tough and resilient, but also fondly nicknamed “The Princess” by one of her beloved nurses. Kennedy was born with a life limiting genetic disorder called Miller-Dieker Syndrome. Her syndrome is rare, estimated to touch 1 in 100,000 little lives per year. While Kennedy experienced many medical challenges and the future was uncertain, her family and caregivers saw her as a beautiful child, deserving of the highest quality of care, and advocated for her to have the best opportunities to thrive. As difficult as her life was, her personality shone through it all.
Kennedy helped to put into perspective what is really important in life. Her life reminded her parents that spending time with family and friends and being committed to helping others makes life more meaningful. Walking with Kennedy through her short yet complicated life, they gained a greater appreciation for their own abilities and what they could do daily without struggle. They also learned how many wonderful medical professionals are working hard every day to make life better for families like theirs.
Kennedy was greatly loved by so many people. She was prayed for daily even before she was born. Although she was born with limitations that were not anticipated, her life had a purpose, and she touched so many people in her short time. Her mom shares, "Every life is important. We may not understand the purpose or the pain, but we trust that God has a plan for our lives as he did for Kennedy's short yet impactful life." Our favorite quote from her Celebration of Life is "Kennedy was planted on Earth to bloom in Heaven." She will be remembered and celebrated as her legacy continues.